Are You Going Back to the Big Gym Scene? Is Bigger Better?

Benefits of a Micro Gym in Times of COVID-19


Over the past three months, I've had lots of time to think on my outdoor runs/walks. I love it, the fresh air, seeing my neighbors, hitting the quiet trails!

I've been a member of so many gyms and fitness centers in my 50 years. Holiday Spa since I was 3 years old, to Bally's, Gold's Gym, LA Fitness, a local racquetball club when my kids homeschooled and even a few Crossfit gyms. I've belonged to a few at a time because some had machines that I really liked and others had a trainer that was more like my family!

But I have to say, nothing beats what I have now. Yes, I'm partial, my husband created it! It's 80's theme with all of his (and my) favorite 'toys'.

I cannot begin to tell you how lucky we are! When the the fear of our health and COVID-19 swept through the area ALL the gyms were shut down!

As a gym 'member', our benefits were

  1. Before we shut down, there were protocols in place that would have allowed us to stay open with "physical distancing" within the facility as the CDC is calling for

  2. BUT we were forced to go "Live" online classes with our existing community (I was the next best option to being in person)

  3. We made the decision to implement a FREE equipment loan!!! No rental of equipment-we picked what we wanted and signed it out-JUST FOR US. We did not want to move to just isometric body workouts. We wanted to continue with the same quality workouts that our members grew to LOVE.

  4. We still got to see our friends 'Physically distanced" not 'socially'

  5. We know when the facility opens again, we know everyone. We know their families or of them. Everyone is respectful of others health and wellness and are mindful of protocols.

  6. The space is contained, very clean as it always has been.

As micro gym owners-our benefits are:

  1. We already held our facility to high standards since it reflects who we are, we created it, from the bare walls to the 80's theme.

  2. We already have the facility designed for small group specialized and one and one training.

  3. We get to be friends with everyone, we don't run on numbers. We know the names of their kids, parents and even have families that come to our home for parties, vice versa

  4. We know it didn't take much to re-open except for a few purchases above the ordinary (thermometers, masks/face shields, UV Sanitizing wand) to be sure that we are up with CDC and our insurance codes.

  5. We made the choice to not only follow the required protocols but we're implementing what we've researched from other states, other insurance companies and other professionals that we work with in the community.

  6. We were part of the coalition to get to submit videos and what precautions we are taking to the Governor, county officials and leading health officials, after all, this is our livelihood, our friends (and family).

I thought about in my time away from our holistic center how hard that must be to own and manage a big gym. Plexi glass between equipment (that even adds more to clean), how to control and watch everyone to keep the 'social distancing', cleaning equipment after each use and the list just goes on. Many of us are trying to decide what is the most comfortable and safe environment for a workout. I can say that for me being in an environment that is small with passionate owners and trainers goes a long way because I know that they care about my personal well being and my family and will go the extra mile to ensure that I am not only safe, but enjoying my workouts and being successful.That is the reason why we are going beyond CDC Guidelines, taking so many extra precautions, for our members/new family members. It's not a 'job', it's our passion!

In Health and Wellness,
Michelle S Krause LMT
Owner of
President of Holistic Chamber of Commerce Severna Park/Baltimore Chapter

Here are a few items we recommend for your workouts

Strength Bands

Michelle S Krause LMT, CST-T, BCTMB

Michelle is a Techniques Certified CranioSacral Therapist and Nationally Board Certified Bodyworker who has committed to assist the community to better health since her debilitating injuries in the fire department. She is a medically retired Aviation Fire Fighter who was told that without a serious neck surgery she would be a quadriplegic. She worked hard and asked tons of questions and was blessed with amazing medical professionals that steered her in the direction of holistic health care instead of drugs and invasive procedures. He is fully recovered from scoliosis, herniated discs and long term pain since she was a teenager.

She has loved sharing education and knowledge with others and helping them to find the right path and practitioners. To be able to create a community that can enjoy their lives with decreased pain and the tools to help themselves.

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