What is CranioSacral Therapy?

CranioSacral Therapy

is a gentle touch therapy allowing the fight or flight feeling in the fascia to release on its own and calm the nervous system from sending overstimulation to the muscles and fascia.  When the body chooses to let go on its own, it will remain longer in that state, if not for good, now 'knowing' a new normal for your body. Sometimes, stretching can cause the area to get worse, since it isn't muscle (much like the IT band). Fascia is a dense tissue matrix and  connects in multiple directions throughout the body (like the gristle of the chicken thickness). The fascia can get rotated, twisted or adhere to the bones causing lack of healthy mobility from old injuries and accidents and the spine can get pulled in different directions. You may get some relief from stretching the area temporality but that may do more damage than good, since it can tear the fibers  due to fascia not coming from one angle.   One of the best approaches from the CranioSacral perspective is addressing the tension  directly at the source (whether from the sacrum or the base of the skull/jaw)  and allowing the body to be balanced with the proper tension when called upon and relaxation to the area when it isn't 'working'.   I find that by working with the fascia and with the Craniosacral system at the root cause, that clients have seen wonderful changes as the tissues begin to soften,  unwind as the sacrum and hips get more neutrally aligned.  There are many modalities of massage that can also assist the CranioSacral session, the most important aspect is for the therapist to be able to listen to what your body is experiencing as a restriction and learn that way that works best for your body to unwind and release the tension. 

It has taken time for our body to release the tension patterns that were developed from misalignment over time  and get back to a neutral state. It usually will  take more than one session to fully release plantar fasciitis and the cause for it. Previous patients have stated that they feel  most relief immediately, take note that, your body will continue to relax on it's own for the next 24-72 hours depending on the stressed state of your body.  Most importantly, you want to get to the cause of the issue, so that it doesn't reoccur but also the other symptoms that can affect the body that you may not have been feeling (tension in your respiratory or digestive system) can also benefit.   It’s important to remember  that the stress patterns that created the pain were built over time, and long-term resolution takes time too.

You can book a session with us for a FREE 15 min Zoom Consult (local only), in person session, or online extensive telehealth consult (distance) through this link

In Health and Wellness,

Michelle S Krause LMT

Owner of Vital Fitness Holistic Center


President of the Severna Park/Baltimore Holistic Chamber of Commerce


Michelle S Krause LMT, CST-T, BCTMB

Michelle is a Techniques Certified CranioSacral Therapist and Nationally Board Certified Bodyworker who has committed to assist the community to better health since her debilitating injuries in the fire department. She is a medically retired Aviation Fire Fighter who was told that without a serious neck surgery she would be a quadriplegic. She worked hard and asked tons of questions and was blessed with amazing medical professionals that steered her in the direction of holistic health care instead of drugs and invasive procedures. He is fully recovered from scoliosis, herniated discs and long term pain since she was a teenager.

She has loved sharing education and knowledge with others and helping them to find the right path and practitioners. To be able to create a community that can enjoy their lives with decreased pain and the tools to help themselves.


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